Welcome to The West Sutherland Fisheries Trust Blog.

Keep up to date on our activities throughout West Sutherland. Conserving, protecting and restoring native fish populations.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Change is in the wind!

Spring is coming! (S. Marshall)
Spring is starting to arrive - with a good few daffodils and crocus appearing in the garden. Hopefully the next lot of snow forecast doesn't kill them all! It's also a new season for the Trust, with the advert now out for Kate's replacement. The closing date is the 13th March and is a good opportunity for someone to come and live and work in this wonderful part of the world. Details can be found on the Website (www.wsft.co.uk), and applications are by CV to Shona (wsft@btconnect.com).

Stunning location for a mink raft (S. Marshall)
I was at a very interesting meeting on mink recently, organised by RAFTS. It was fascinating to here about the work of the University and how SMI fits in. The importance of keeping our wee area clear of mink was clearly demonstrated as, although we have quite poor habitat, there is very good mink habitat to the east. We therefore need to stay on our guard and stop them reaching the north east. This is an important time for monitoring mink as the females are starting to set up their dens so if you have rafts (or tunnels) then please make sure that they're working well - or if you can volunteer to check a raft then please let us know. Whatever you can do is gratefully received.

On the pull  (S. Barnes)
The Trust reports detailing the juvenile surveys and post-smolt netting from 2014 are now finished and can be accessed on the website (www.wsft.co.uk). The Annual Review is also finished, in draft, and has been sent round the Trustees for grammar, spelling and general stupidity checks! Since we include the cash accounts for the year as well, this will be published in April so watch this space. We'd appreciate comments on the website as we're always trying to improve it so please have a look and give us constructive criticism.

The diary is starting to fill up for the coming year, with lots of field work in the planning stage. If you would like to help with the field work - sweep netting, electrofishing, barrier assessment, balsam pulling, mink monitoring, etc. - then please get in touch. It can be a day, a week, a month or a whatever, we're just happy to accept the help and have fun. I'll try to keep the Blog up to date with the dates of activities as they are finalised, or you can follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/westsutherlandfisheriestrust), Twitter (@WSFTrust) or the Website (www.wsft.co.uk).